The secret financial market only robots can see - and it's mysterious coincidence with Angel-A
The following is the text of my today's e-mail to, commenting Ray Merriman's statement, in his weekly preview reading : "Other beleaguered leaders of the world could learn a lesson here."
Hi Ray,
1st The secret financial market only robots can see
I found this article by accident. It reports a new dynamism influencing invisible peaks and throughs one cannot judge and has no method to analyze how they impact the financial market.
It appears reasonable to suspect they impair the efficiency - and on long term even might foil the purpose and usefulness - of financial market - and hence maybe even of what one sstill calls money and believes in at all !!!
2nd Heil - errr - Hell's Angel-A
I disagree with the Wall Street Journal appraisement of the re-election of German chancellor Angel-A as an expression of substantial respect if not adoration.
Me personally, as a Swiss individual habituated to liberty and striving to freedom (accustomed to discern freedom from liberty) cannot avoid the impression of rather a collective German Stockholm Syndrome (traumatic bonding) than a genuine, frank and honest trust, respect and even "adoration".
To me, adoration is a collective form of desperate subjection to get an orientation from outside, in order to compensate the incapacity resp. recreance to anchor sense of life in each individual oneself.
Collectivity seemingly grants the ascertion of self deception and humiliation and hence cannot be else but opposite to true trust. What WSJ wrote is a typical sample of abuse and devaluation of language. How somebody writing trash like the quoted one can claim liberty of expression? Tell me!
3rd Analyzing, what Angel-A promised.
"Europe only works if everyone's voice is heard". This is mere hypocrisy. Europe does not work because it was installed without listening to everyone to and against whom it recklessly was imposed and enforced.
That's why many taxpayers - and not only the super rich ones - refused and continue to refuse to finance it! That's why Switzerland's autonomy of banking, taxing and law system was illegaly attacked and bombarded by US an EU "authorities" and "administration". - That's the way I look at it!
"Those who know me know ...." --- Which truly democratic leader would dare to assume such attitude of high priestess? Who really can "know" her except the adepts and acolytes of her closest entourage? All the rest of the world has to believe what her heralds and go betweens proclame and disseminate.
Has one ever seen a more original sample of matriarchy? This is not just medieval, this is stone age! No wonder nothing works in high tech conditions with managment and communication patterns not synergetically adapted to? This question is the same for economy and finance! Please start to consider and think about!
"... I'm someone who seeks compromise, who approaches things creatively, and who tries to understand the the intereststs of others." I hear speaking a wolf after having eaten humble pie. I remember how she argued and acted in the past.
What makes doubt about the satisfiability of this promise is that she speaks exclusively of herself, not about how she will create a governing team and administrational crew to work in this promised spirit. I can grant everybody that with her carreer and educational background she has not the cultural and intellectual background to understand the basics of liberties and freedom.
This is not her fault but this is the central and deep rooting cause of incapacity to moderate a modern open minded collectivity of self conscious and autonomous individuals. - And I don't know any leader round the world who would really cope with the challenge to moderate a society creating and reacting with ever changing multitude of dynamisms instead of controling and commanding a rigidly defined and correspondingly fictive system.
The incompatibility of our theories, dogmas, doctrines and practices of leadership with the reality of acceleratedly changing, recombining and diverging dynamisms of any fortitude, speed, volume, direction and duration is the core cause of the world political, financial, economical, religious and cultural crisis.
Dixi - and Cheers!
Peter Straub
Hi Ray,
1st The secret financial market only robots can see
I found this article by accident. It reports a new dynamism influencing invisible peaks and throughs one cannot judge and has no method to analyze how they impact the financial market.
It appears reasonable to suspect they impair the efficiency - and on long term even might foil the purpose and usefulness - of financial market - and hence maybe even of what one sstill calls money and believes in at all !!!
2nd Heil - errr - Hell's Angel-A
I disagree with the Wall Street Journal appraisement of the re-election of German chancellor Angel-A as an expression of substantial respect if not adoration.
Me personally, as a Swiss individual habituated to liberty and striving to freedom (accustomed to discern freedom from liberty) cannot avoid the impression of rather a collective German Stockholm Syndrome (traumatic bonding) than a genuine, frank and honest trust, respect and even "adoration".
To me, adoration is a collective form of desperate subjection to get an orientation from outside, in order to compensate the incapacity resp. recreance to anchor sense of life in each individual oneself.
Collectivity seemingly grants the ascertion of self deception and humiliation and hence cannot be else but opposite to true trust. What WSJ wrote is a typical sample of abuse and devaluation of language. How somebody writing trash like the quoted one can claim liberty of expression? Tell me!
3rd Analyzing, what Angel-A promised.
"Europe only works if everyone's voice is heard". This is mere hypocrisy. Europe does not work because it was installed without listening to everyone to and against whom it recklessly was imposed and enforced.
That's why many taxpayers - and not only the super rich ones - refused and continue to refuse to finance it! That's why Switzerland's autonomy of banking, taxing and law system was illegaly attacked and bombarded by US an EU "authorities" and "administration". - That's the way I look at it!
"Those who know me know ...." --- Which truly democratic leader would dare to assume such attitude of high priestess? Who really can "know" her except the adepts and acolytes of her closest entourage? All the rest of the world has to believe what her heralds and go betweens proclame and disseminate.
Has one ever seen a more original sample of matriarchy? This is not just medieval, this is stone age! No wonder nothing works in high tech conditions with managment and communication patterns not synergetically adapted to? This question is the same for economy and finance! Please start to consider and think about!
"... I'm someone who seeks compromise, who approaches things creatively, and who tries to understand the the intereststs of others." I hear speaking a wolf after having eaten humble pie. I remember how she argued and acted in the past.
What makes doubt about the satisfiability of this promise is that she speaks exclusively of herself, not about how she will create a governing team and administrational crew to work in this promised spirit. I can grant everybody that with her carreer and educational background she has not the cultural and intellectual background to understand the basics of liberties and freedom.
This is not her fault but this is the central and deep rooting cause of incapacity to moderate a modern open minded collectivity of self conscious and autonomous individuals. - And I don't know any leader round the world who would really cope with the challenge to moderate a society creating and reacting with ever changing multitude of dynamisms instead of controling and commanding a rigidly defined and correspondingly fictive system.
The incompatibility of our theories, dogmas, doctrines and practices of leadership with the reality of acceleratedly changing, recombining and diverging dynamisms of any fortitude, speed, volume, direction and duration is the core cause of the world political, financial, economical, religious and cultural crisis.
Dixi - and Cheers!
Peter Straub
Nashaupt - 1. Okt, 16:12